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Jul 07, 2016

In this episode, Samantha Waltz, the author of the powerful book, Blended: Writers on the Stepfamily Experience and three of her wonderful contributing writers, Betsy Graziani Fasbinder, Gigi Rosenberg, and Emma Kate Tsai will share their personal experiences of being parents or children in stepfamilies. As three of the thirty professional writers who share their blended experience in this book, their voices convey more than the facts or dynamics of stepfamilies. They convey in a personal way the challenges of connection, the promise and pain of children who have lost parents from divorce or death, the fears of rejection and expectations of stepparents and the reasons for laughing, crying and celebrating. As the stories move from the “ Coming Together” of blended families to stories of “Acceptance” they broaden the understanding of stepfamilies and offer guidance, compassion and hope.