Aug 29, 2019
If you are lucky enough to be the parent, teacher, babysitter or grandparent of a “little one”- you must hear this show. In it, psychologist, Dr. Rebecca Schrag Hershberg draws upon her invaluable new book, The Tantrum Survival Guide to clarify, inform deconstruct and offer strategies for managing a toddler or...
Aug 22, 2019
In this episode, Dr. Michael Anestis, clinical psychologist, and award winning researcher discusses his powerful book, Guns and Suicide: An American Epidemic. Dr. Anestis is not advocating for or against gun ownership. What he is advocating for is prevention of firearm suicides. Funded by the Department of Defense...
Aug 15, 2019
Childhood and teen obesity has grown to epidemic proportions in the US. In this episode, Dr. Maidenberg draws upon her new book “Free Your Child From Overeating: 53 Mind-Body Strategies For Lifelong Health” to offer strategies that begin with the recognition of thoughts and feelings in overeating and draw upon, CBT,...
Aug 08, 2019
This show is a tribute to all singles who would like to be in a relationship but have not yet found the right person. Guest Sara Eckel, author and well known contributor to the popular New York Times Column ‘Modern Love’ draws upon her poignant, funny and important book, It’s Not You: 27 (Wrong) Reasons You’re...
Aug 01, 2019
While the choice of using marijuana is personal and legalization is likely moving forward, Alex Berenson, former New York Times reporter, invites you to consider this question with your children- How dangerous is today’s marijuana? Drawing upon research, he clarifies that unlike the marijuana smoked in the 1970’s...