Aug 13, 2019
Dr. Caroles experience as a forensic psychiatrist who has examined inmates in jails and prisons from Bellevue in New York to the Twin Towers in Los Angeles, analyzes every shred of evidence to discover whodunit and why. What reasons did Epstein have to commit suicide? Who was motivated to murder him? Whether it was suicide or murder, how could it have happened to a hi-profile prisoner in a New York jail? What are the correct procedures to follow if an inmate is suicidal? What kinds of suicide watch are there? Who should be making the decisions as to whether to keep someone on suicide watch or not? If he suicided, was it an assisted suicide and who is to blame? Were the supposedly sleeping guards really asleep? Could jail staff have been paid off to not keep serious suicide watch or not check on him? Who might have paid them and why? There are still countless unanswered questions and people with motive to provide a sheet and a bunk bed-an open invitation to suicide!
Everyday we are bombarded with stories in our newspapers, on television and on the radio that make it seem as though society is spiraling out of control. But just when everything in the world seems insane, Dr. Carole Lieberman creates a sanctuary for sanity. Call or log in to get help making sense of these turbulent times or just for advice from a soothing voice. “Dr. Carole’s Couch” broadcasts each Tuesday at 1pm Pacific (4pm Eastern) on the VoiceAmerica begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting Channel.