May 22, 2018
Today's guest, psychologist Dr. Lorin Lindner, is the author of a new book - Birds of a Feather: A True Story of Hope and the Healing Power of Animals. She takes us on her life's journey, starting with her childhood love of a pet parrot who kept her company and healed her pain while her mother was dying. Later, as an adult, she was called upon to rescue a parrot named Sammy, which renewed her appreciation of these special birds. As the director of a program for homeless veterans in Los Angeles, she soon got them involved in building a sanctuary for hurt and abandoned parrots. During this process she saw the magical healing power that the birds had on the vets, suffering from PTSD and other psychological problems, and that the vets had on the birds. Later, she expanded her treatment program to connect vets to the rescue and care of wolfdogs. Dr. Lindner, with her love of parrots, became the first psychologist to harness the healing power of animals to save people.
Everyday we are bombarded with stories in our newspapers, on television and on the radio that make it seem as though society is spiraling out of control. But just when everything in the world seems insane, Dr. Carole Lieberman creates a sanctuary for sanity. Call or log in to get help making sense of these turbulent times or just for advice from a soothing voice. “Dr. Carole’s Couch” broadcasts each Tuesday at 1pm Pacific (4pm Eastern) on the VoiceAmerica begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting Channel.