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Aug 06, 2019

It used to be so easy: pink for girls and blue for boys - and girls will be girls and boys will be boys was a common saying. Now it's yellow for non binaries? These days, too many parents think they're being cool and trendy to encourage their girls to be boys and boys to be girls. The result? A very confused generation. Today's guest, Michelle Cretella, M.D., President of the American College of Pediatricians, says parents who jump to conclusions and bring their child to gender clinics, the first time a girl seems like a tomboy, or a boy seems effeminate, the rush down the road to hormones and surgery, are committing child abuse. Sometimes it's because mom really wanted a girl and she got a boy, or other unconscious motives of parents. When kids say they feel they were born in the wrong body, it's a cry for help. They may have been abused or had other trauma that is making them feel this way.Today's show is not politically correct, but it is psychologically and medically correct.