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Nov 30, 2021

Kamala Harris wasn't really a household name throughout most of America until she was nominated by the Democratic Party for Vice-President. Yet it is especially important for everyone to get to know who she is because Joe Biden, the Democratic Party's Presidential nominee is not fit enough-mentally or physically-to last four years. This means whoever is VP would likely shoulder much of the responsibilities and take over at some point during the term. So, who is Kamala Harris? Today's guest, Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, PhD (aka Dr. Chaps), a former State Representative (R-CO) and author, takes us back to Kamala's earliest days in politics and how she traded sex for a political head start. Her first move was to have an extra-marital affair with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, who not only gave her two six-figure political appointments, but escorted her on his arm to hobnob at political events, introducing her to key figures who would later finance her political aspirations.