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Apr 23, 2024

There is a documented rise in suicides - and it keeps going up! No wonder, when each day's morning news makes you want to crawl back into bed, or even escape this world. From pronouns to protesters, racial divides to political divides, antisemitism to anti-everything-ism. There's more hate than heart, and it's hard...

Apr 16, 2024

Israel’s challenge to survive, while surrounded by enemies, began long before October 7, 2023. But, on this day, the barbaric attack by Hamas terrorists, took it to another level. Not since the Holocaust has there been such an evil attack on Jews. Yet, since October 7, the mainstream media has been spewing lie after...

Apr 09, 2024

While America was sleeping the Communists have been taking over the minds and hearts of our kids, one class at a time. Communists vowed, long ago, that they would take over America without one shot being fired and they are. We can't do anything about it... unless we understand how they did it. Today's guest, Julie...