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Dec 26, 2023

Ghislaine Maxwell has become the woman we love to hate for her privileged life and her alleged role of Madame - procuring young girls for Jeffrey Epstein to sexually exploit. But, what if there was more, a lot more? If there is anyone who knows, it's today's guest, Dylan Howard. He's a media executive extraordinaire...

Nov 21, 2023

What's the matter with kids today? Politics have taken over our schools, teaching kids to hate America and themselves! Where does this propaganda come from? The books that have crept into the schools to teach them pornography, racism and twisted history instead of the classics of literature - like To Kill a...

Nov 14, 2023

While the world outside goes crazy, we also have to cope with our own personal upheavals. And as divorces skyrocket, more children are torn between two homes. Today's guest, Anthony J. Mohr, a former Los Angeles Superior Court Judge, is the author of Every Other Weekend: Coming of Age with Two Different Dads. In...

Nov 07, 2023

Hamas Sympathizers have cropped up everywhere - spewing their hate and refusing to believe or care about the atrocities Hamas is perpetrating on Israel! Wait until they realize 'We're all Israel!' and in danger. Radical Islamists are taught since childhood to wage jihad and kill the unbelievers - those who don't believe...

Oct 31, 2023

The attacks by Hamas on Israel of October 7, 2023 and beyond are too brutal for a court of law because animals aren't allowed in the courtroom. But, if we were to try them for terrorism or murder or war crimes, we could find no better attorney to do so than today's guest, Alan Dershowitz. Alan Dershowitz, is one of the...