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Jun 29, 2021

For some, Father's Day means balloons, cake and an outing for dads and kids. But for those who don't have dads in their life, it's the saddest, emptiest day of the year. We pretend that it's okay for men to abandon their 'baby mamas', when it's really not okay at all. These men not only abandon their women, they abandon...

Jun 22, 2021

The question of whether to vaccinate a child is one that everyone has an opinion on, though no one asks a child what they think. Today's guest, Angela Pearson, is the author of I Am Not Contagious, a book inspired by - and from the viewpoint of - her son and his experience of being rejected from school because of...

Jun 15, 2021

Dr. Fauci has been the 'voice and face' of gloom and doom from the beginning of this pandemic, causing us tremendous stress - which weakens our immune system and makes us more vulnerable to catching Covid19! His presence and misguided, contradictory advice has caused more distress and death than coronavirus itself! All...

Jun 08, 2021

Coronavirus has been taking a heavy toll on love - whether you're single, dating, engaged or married. Too much togetherness or not enough, the fear of contracting Covid19 through sex, as well as the assault on our mental health in general - from lockdowns, riots, political divisiveness and elections - make us cranky and...

Jun 01, 2021

While we were sleeping... progressives, socialists, marxists, like BLM and others have been hijacking our kids' minds with tales of Critical Race Theory and Twisted Sex Ed! One good thing about Covid19 causing school closures and remote learning is that parents are finally seeing and waking up to the destructive lessons...