Dec 29, 2020
Today, Dr. Carole puts the Nashville Bomber, Anthony Quinn Warner, on her couch and analyzes him: his motives, his psychopathology, his dysfunctional family, how the song Downtown was his suicide note expressing profound loneliness, why he gave homes to a woman in Los Angeles, his fears about 5G, wanting the world to...
Dec 22, 2020
What chaos the world is in! Between Crisis Fatigue, Coronavirus Fatigue and Holiday Blues, our heads are spinning! So take a breath and relax on Dr. Carole's Couch, as she tells you everything you ever wanted to know about coronavirus, but were afraid to ask! She shares her 'prescription' for increasing resilience and...
Dec 15, 2020
Dr. Judy Mikovits, a research scientist and controversial figure, is trying passionately to warn people about the danger of vaccines (including for Covid19) and the nefarious intentions of BigPharma, WHO, Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates. She's the author of Plague and Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of...
Dec 01, 2020
Though some want to believe the election is over and Joe Biden is President-Elect, there are miles to go before results are legitimized! Even before Election Day, there was reason to suspect Covid19 was an excuse for rampant mail-in fraud and though we don't want to believe such blatant thievery could hijack...
Nov 17, 2020
We hear about Covid19 every day, yet, like moths to a flame, we are drawn back for more. Today's guest, Celina Nadelman, M.D., helps us protect ourselves by shedding light on a new aspect of the disease. Though most attention has been focused on the lungs, she's discovered that it's the cardiovascular system that plays...
Everyday we are bombarded with stories in our newspapers, on television and on the radio that make it seem as though society is spiraling out of control. But just when everything in the world seems insane, Dr. Carole Lieberman creates a sanctuary for sanity. Call or log in to get help making sense of these turbulent times or just for advice from a soothing voice. “Dr. Carole’s Couch” broadcasts each Tuesday at 1pm Pacific (4pm Eastern) on the VoiceAmerica begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting Channel.