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Sep 18, 2018

Every day, new women come out of the woodwork to allege sexual harassment. Are all of these stories true or are women jumping on the bandwagon to claim their 15 minutes of fame? It's important to separate the wheat from the chaff. One of the accused, Harvey Weinstein, seems to be the most prolific of womanizers, if...

Sep 11, 2018

For Dr. Carole, 9/11 was a turning point that changed her life. She wasn't in the Twin Towers. She'd moved to L.A. by then. But, being born and raised in NYC, she took 9/11 as a personal attack and became The Terrorist Therapist®, devoted to helping people keep calm and carry on in the face of terror. Her latest book,...

Sep 04, 2018

September 11, 2018 marks the 17th anniversary of 9/11. But, for the victims and their families, it's as though it happened yesterday. Lisa Luckett is a 9/11 widow. Her story is both tragic and uplifting. Her new book, The Light in 9/11: Shocked by Kindness, Healed by Love, is her gift to the world. In it she shares what...