Dec 20, 2021
Rocky Lalvani serves as Chief Profitability Officer for business owners. His passion is to not only make profit businesses thrive, but also to emphasize the importance of living a happy life to balance the work. Lalvani will discuss many of the common questions that business owners ask. He will touch upon how to implement a cash flow system that works with the habits that most entrepreneurs have. He will explain where he started, and how he got to the position and understanding of the industry that he has today. Some of his important lessons include how to keep up with the world, the mistakes you do and don't want to be making, seeing money as a tool and not an end goal, taking small steps to achieve a bigger overall goal and much more.
Relationships, health, spirituality, finances and community concerns, reclaim control of all areas of your life with the power of positive thinking. Patricia Raskin and her guests will bring you practical, positive solutions for a happy, empowered and successful life.