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Mar 18, 2024

Have you every felt like your upbringing crushed the woo out of you? Join host ZofiaRennea Morales as she speaks with Kady Romagnuolo, a business coach who experienced a life-altering awakening. Kady will share her story of being raised in a conservative Christian Household and how that led to her repressing her gift of seeing and communicating with spirits. She will reveal how her life fell apart in 2017 when she stopped listening to the nudges and went way off course, and how the universe then stepped in to push her in the direction that her soul had been leading her. Kady will also share how she has been drawn into the world of business coaching and her natural talent to help those with passion projects build a business that they love, that helps the world, and provides a good life. Tune in as Kady Romagnuolo helps you to understand how your own spiritual awakening is connected to your life purpose and how to embrace it with courage and self-love.