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Jan 25, 2021

Have you ever wished you had a magic wand to just set things right? Wave it and your pain goes away, your toe fungus disappears and your just plain feel better? Join Zofia and Tom Paladino as they explore not only his journey into his mission as a scalar light researcher, but also just what scalar light can do for your...

Jan 18, 2021

Zofia returns with Sharon Hill, Anniston Riekstins and Rudi Riekstins to dig even deeper into what you need to know as you start your business adventure, whether you are a newbie self employed person or you are pivoting and resetting your current business. Catch up with the first panel...

Jan 11, 2021

Want to know what your name is saying about you? How to use names to understand the people around you? Each letter in our name holds a key to unlock our true essence. Our name contains both our gifts and challenges. Neimology® Science discovers personality secrets hidden in the placement of the letters of our names...

Jan 04, 2021

Have you ever spent time with a psychologist and wondered whether this was doing you any good? Or tried to share a mystical experience and gotten slapped with a diagnosis for your efforts? Then, you’ll want to join Zofia and Victoria as they explore how psychology CAN open the doors into the mystical. How...