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Oct 26, 2020

Are you hearing the call? Join Zofia and Kerri Hummingbird in part 2 as they wrap up their complete and unabridged discussion, exploring how to uncover who you are and the power you have over your life and revealing the guidance you need to transcend during this time. The Second Wave is now. You may have Earth amnesia...

Oct 19, 2020

The Second Wave is now. You may have Earth amnesia and forgotten who you are. Your soul brought you here because it's time to remember. You are the old souls and master teachers from across the galaxy who came to Earth for the transition into the Age of Aquarius. Are you hearing the call? Join Zofia and Kerri as...

Oct 12, 2020

Have you ever felt like you’ve been off track most of your life? That everything you do seems to be a dead end? Like you’ve done a mess of random stuff that seems to have to pattern to it? You may not be as random as it has felt. Zofia and Kathy Biehl unpack the mystery of continuous course corrections and what...