Dec 09, 2021
After 25+ years in Business Continuity, globally recognized Business Continuity industry expert Brian Zawada has released his first book 'The Business Continuity Operating System: What The Best Do Differently to Achieve Success'. I talk with Brian about his book and how organizational leadership (and BC professionals) can: a) align BC to strategic goals, b) achieve lasting focus and buy-in, c) create and maintain meaningful engagement with stakeholders, d) make the role of a BC professions more meaningful, and much much more. Brian walks us through four (4) key questions that all BC professionals can ask their leadership to help create and contribute to, the 'right level of resilience'. Brian also shares his personal experience with contracting COVID19 early in the pandemic and what that felt like. Its a very enjoyable and insightful discussion.
Preparing for the Unexpected is about how people, organizations and communities plan, prepare, test, communicate and respond to sudden unplanned events such as natural and manmade disasters and crises. The show is for everyone who wants an understanding of how plans are created for individuals, organizations and communities and for anyone who wants to know what they can do in their own lives to help protect themselves from unexpected events. There is a myth that disasters happen to others but in reality, they happen to everyone. It's just a matter of when and how well-prepared you are. The greater the level of awareness, communication and knowledge, the quicker one bounces back from adversity. The overall aim of Preparing for the Unexpected is to reduce the suffering, effects and impacts caused as a result of disasters and unexpected life events by increasing knowledge and awareness of Operational Resilience, Business Contingency, Disaster Planning, Crisis Management, and related activities.