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Jan 24, 2019

Terrorism is a major topic that grabs headlines around the globe almost on a daily basis and for BCM/DR/ERM practitioners, it might be a topic we only learn about from those headlines. This week we'll talk with global terrorism expert and author, Professor Richard English from Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Prof. English is the author of numerous books and we'll discuss his book Terrorism: How to Respond to help BCM/DR/ERM professionals in their understanding of what terrorism is. There is allot about terrorism we might not fully understand and Prof. English will help us understand what it is. He will also talk to us about what triggers terrorism, how to recognize terrorism and most importantly, what we can do as BCM/DR/ERM professionals to prepare for and respond to terrorist acts. He has been interviewed by many periodicals and networks, including the Irish Times, Newsweek, CNN and the BBC.