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Feb 09, 2023

The workspace is changing, and the pandemic put that change into 'hear gear'. I talk with recognized expert in the area of Group and Team Coaching, and author or Reconnecting Workspaces, Jennifer J. Britton. We talk about: 1. The differing roles of a leader and team member, 2. Groups vs teams, 3. Company culture and how it influences teams etc. (you'll notice I get really into this topic), 4. The TRIAD of Trust, Safety, and Connection, and how it impacts the workspace, 5. Leadership, 6. Conflict and its causes (Yes, it still happens in the virtual world), 7. How to address conflict. Jennifer provides some insights on a very timely and current subject, which is impacted people around the globe. With so many people working remotely it's necessary for us to reconnect our workspaces, and Jennifer does a great job of helping to understand some of the ways we can do this right...and what might be causing us to look at it incorrectly. Enjoy!