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Feb 02, 2023

To improve and move forward, we have to learn from our mistakes. All too often, we don’t learn from the lessons as they present themselves. I speak with internationally recognized Crisis Management, Emergency Management, and Busine Continuity expert, Christine Miller about Learning Management. Chris offers allot of helpful information including: 1. How to plan for a lesson learned workshop/meeting, 2. Participants (it’s more than you might think), 3. Follow-up, 4. Strong – and courageous – leadership, 5. What the acronym O.I.L.L. means and how it helps Lessons Learned, 6. Successes with O.I.L.L. in Eswatini, 7. Tips for starting a Lessons Learned initiative, 8. Who benefits from OILL and Lessons Learned in Emergency Management. Chris shares allot of information, including allot of her own personal work experiences. Many talk about Lessons Learned, but Chris goes a little bit deeper into the subject than most. Enjoy!