Mar 26, 2020
Social Media has the power to influence are personal and professional lives and not always in a manner in which we expect. It can be full of misinformation that can cause allot of harm and recognizing the good from the bad can be extremely difficult for organizations. This week, we welcome back Lt. Glen Mills from the Burlington, Massachusetts Police Department who is a specialist in monitoring social media; separating the good information from the bad. He will provide us some key insights that our organizations –and even ourselves – should follow to ensure we don’t get stuck in the quagmire and confusion social media can sometimes cause. Glen will provide us with examples and tips to help organizations, communities and individuals better prepare for - and respond to - situations that can cause us harm and prevent us from being taken in by those who would do us harm. When we better understand how to monitor and leverage social media, the more resilient we can become.
Preparing for the Unexpected is about how people, organizations and communities plan, prepare, test, communicate and respond to sudden unplanned events such as natural and manmade disasters and crises. The show is for everyone who wants an understanding of how plans are created for individuals, organizations and communities and for anyone who wants to know what they can do in their own lives to help protect themselves from unexpected events. There is a myth that disasters happen to others but in reality, they happen to everyone. It's just a matter of when and how well-prepared you are. The greater the level of awareness, communication and knowledge, the quicker one bounces back from adversity. The overall aim of Preparing for the Unexpected is to reduce the suffering, effects and impacts caused as a result of disasters and unexpected life events by increasing knowledge and awareness of Operational Resilience, Business Contingency, Disaster Planning, Crisis Management, and related activities.