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Aug 01, 2024

I'm joined by recognized risk management, security, resilience expert, and author, Robert Hall, as we talk about his new book 'Building Resilient Futures'. It's a fascinating discussion where we touch on: 1. Resilience and technology, 2. People and resilience, 3. Facing adversity, 4. Societal engagement (This topic is well worth the listen), 5. Engaging communities, 6. Creating a 'spirit', 7. Focusing on consequences rather than causes, 8. Agility and adaptability, 9. Utilizing existing resources, 10. Fight, flight, or freeze...and much more. It's a very insightful discussion focusing on key concepts contained in Roberts' new book. It will give you a new way to think of resilience, and perhaps discover that the silver bullet we're all looking for with regards to resilience, is ourselves. Enjoy!