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Aug 30, 2018

For decades BCM / DR professionals have performed the Business Impact Analysis (BIA) the same way with the same results; often not quite the results expected. John Jackson, an early visionary in BCM / DR, talks about how the traditional BIA may need to change; change how we ask questions, who we ask information from and what results it needs to deliver if its to be effective for organizations. We'll learn how to increase the value of BCM and DR by simply refocusing our efforts when executing a BIA to provide information that can benefit an organization when developing its BCM strategies and increasing the ability to respond to negative events. John provides allot of great tips and information to increase the value of new and experiences BCM professionals and increase the effectiveness of BCM programs. Hear some first hand examples of how the traditional BIA can be reimagined and executed from an industry pioneer. It's sure to be a great educational experience for all.