Apr 17, 2024
Will some of California’s biggest factory farms be shut down? A groundbreaking ballot measure to ban massive animal factories, aka CAFOs, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, will be decided by Sonoma County, California voters this November! Will this spread across the nation? UnchainedTV’s Jane Velez-Mitchell speaks with leaders of The Coalition to End Factory Farming which collected over 37,000 signatures, easily qualifying for the ballot, including: Samantha Faye, Coalition to End Factory Farming, Sarah Van Mangtem, co-founder of Farm Animal, Climate and Environmental Stewards of Sonoma County and Cassie King, Direct Action Everywhere’s Communications Lead.
UnchainedTV offers you a new way of living. It’s like being born again, but it’s not religious. Our host, New York Times bestselling author as well as TV and social media journalist who heads UnchainedTV.com, Jane Velez-Mitchell, helps you turn on the lightbulb and jump to the next phase of human evolution. There is a peaceful, joyous way of living out there. The secret is simple: don’t look for peace, practice it in your daily choices. You might say, peace begins right on your plate. Tune in to UnchainedTV, live every Monday at 10 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Influencers Channel.