Dec 05, 2022
Angela Yvonne of Vegan Pop Eats is your concierge to a green lifestyle! This pop culture journalist offers tips on how to transition to a plant-based diet and, especially, how to make that journey a fun adventure. also gives you insights on how to switch to a low-carbon footprint lifestyle with hacks and tips to clearing out the fur and feathers and living a life of natural abundance without hurting yourself, animals or the planet. Angela Yvonne of @veganpopeats2 has her own VeganPopEats Channel on UnchainedTV. Check it out: This pop icon talks with's Jane Velez-Mitchell. Watch, listen and take the road less traveled to a happier world.
UnchainedTV offers you a new way of living. It’s like being born again, but it’s not religious. Our host, New York Times bestselling author as well as TV and social media journalist who heads, Jane Velez-Mitchell, helps you turn on the lightbulb and jump to the next phase of human evolution. There is a peaceful, joyous way of living out there. The secret is simple: don’t look for peace, practice it in your daily choices. You might say, peace begins right on your plate. Tune in to UnchainedTV, live every Monday at 10 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Influencers Channel.