Dec 26, 2022
Tell the USDA to Update Archaic Animal Transport Regulations! SIGN NOW: It takes a second: You’ve likely seen trucks on the highway packed with pigs, chickens, or other farmed animals. In crowded trailers or...
Dec 19, 2022
It’s that time of year, where we're inundated with high-calorie, high-fat, highly addictive “comfort” foods, “traditional” foods that often leave us with a hangover and a scale tipping in the wrong direction. Then, there's that winter chill that whispers... just stay on your couch! Now, you can get a jump on...
Dec 12, 2022
White Coat Waste is a leading voice against cruel, useless, wasteful government experimentation on animals. WCW’s viral #BeagleGate campaign has now led to the introduction of the PROTECTING DOGS SUBJECTED TO EXPERIMENTS ACT (HR 8699) to defund unnecessary dog experiments conducted with tax dollars by the National...
Dec 05, 2022
Angela Yvonne of Vegan Pop Eats is your concierge to a green lifestyle! This pop culture journalist offers tips on how to transition to a plant-based diet and, especially, how to make that journey a fun adventure. also gives you insights on how to switch to a low-carbon footprint lifestyle with hacks...
Nov 28, 2022
Aqua is developing calamari, shrimp, scallops, and filets of tuna and whitefish… all with zero animals used or harmed. Aqua’s products have a realistic taste and texture. Aqua’s fermentation methods do not use any animal ingredients, genetic altering or modification, and can be marketed as non-GMO....