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Apr 12, 2017

Demetra George, our guest for today was one of the first Astrologers to publish an astrology book that included the asteroids into the configuration of the natal chart. Demetra always loved the great myths of the Greek gods and goddess, told to her by her Greek grandparents as bedtime stories. As she started using the asteroids in people’s charts, she would tell them the myths of a particular asteroid significant in their charts and hear, “You just told me the story of my life!” Her book, “Asteroid Goddesses” offered a significant change in thinking with regard to astrology, moving the feminine into the forefront of any reading. Her latest book, just out in November, and our topic of discussion today, is “Astrology and the Authentic Self.” If you are even mildly interested in astrology, Demetra George’s work can help you learn to use it as a tool to find your own authenticity. Don’t miss this one!