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Dec 12, 2012

When Don Miguel Ruiz was a young boy, his grandfather told him many stories from the Toltec Tradition. One of these was the story of the sleeping giant—who represents unaware humanity. He was told then that one day in Mexico, the giant would awaken and from there, he would rouse the entire world. Don Miguel comes to the Authentic Living show this week to tell us about the upcoming “Awakening the Giant” event happening in Teotihuacan between starting Dec. 7th and going through the Winter solstice on Dec. 21st. He and his family join together to bring in a new era of enlightenment at the place “where humans awake and become God.” Author of the megabestseller, The Four Agreements, and The Mastery of Love, The Voice of Knowledge, and The Fifth Agreement, co-written with his son, he comes today to facilitate our awakening. Don’t miss it.