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Apr 27, 2019

It always sounds glorious, traveling and living the “race life” but what are some of the struggles along the way travel wise? What are some of the things you will face while traveling across the country whether you’re in in a 747 or asphalt cowboy truckin down the road. Cam and Don discuss is this week’s episode.

Apr 20, 2019

Talking careers in motorsports, racing wheel accidents with Weld Racing's Josh Hamming, along with lawsuits over world records. Cam is racing in Vegas and Don prepares for NGK 4 Wide Nationals next week in Charlotte. Motorsports, Drag Racing and Marketing.

Apr 06, 2019

Did you wreck the Rental? Ummm Maybe? Well aren’t you a “professional” driver? This statement really got Cam and Don thinking about what constitutes and counts as being a considered a “professional driver”. Are you one? Do you want to be one? Are you sure about that? Cam and Don dive into what they think...