Jul 15, 2021
Audrey Stimpson was prescribed Adderall at the age of 7 to help with her tantrums and ADHD( Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder). This was also the same year the drug entered the market. After 23 years of using the amphetamine, the drug had taken it's toll, leading to psychosis, gut health issues, body dysmorphia, Addorexia and a never- ending cycle of shame. Things had to change. She desperately wanted to get off the drug and was hoping to have a bay soon with her husband. Audrey finally found help and wants to tell others that it possible to live without their little orange pill. Audrey is thriving, and just gave birth to a healthy little boy. Mom, Dad and baby Vance are doing great. There IS life after Adderall.
Welcome to Fearlessly Authentic, a weekly live radio show and podcast hosted by Jodi Harrison Bauer.