Oct 30, 2024
David Tereshchuk, an experienced TV reporter, has traveled the world, facing war criminals and victims alike. With a long career, he mastered the art of uncovering secrets from oppressors and the oppressed. However, his own heritage remained a mystery, as his mother, Hilda, kept his father's identity hidden. It wasn't...
Oct 16, 2024
You find yourself at a pivotal moment, having amassed years of experience and expertise. Now, you're eager to pass on your knowledge to the next generation. Today’s show is dedicated to The Mentor Project and CEO, Deborah Heiser. Introducing The Mentor Project: We've identified a vast community of...
Oct 09, 2024
Fat, Stressed, and Sick: MSG, Processed Food, and America's Health Crisis, authored by Katherine Reid, PhD, and Barbara Price, PhD, delivers a riveting exploration into the detrimental effects of glutamate, commonly referred to as MSG, prevalent in processed foods. The book offers a wealth of scientific evidence linking...
Oct 02, 2024
From Doubt to Do: Navigating Your Path to Possibility is an essential guide for anyone at a crossroads, grappling with uncertainty about what lies ahead, regardless of their life stage. Kat asserts that when life presents us with change, it’s an opportunity to create something extraordinary. By embracing this change,...
We are women, living a full life, have a professional career in science or in some form or another have been involved in the industry.