Oct 25, 2023
Designers hold a considerable influence on the world through the choices they make. However, there is an excessive emphasis on aesthetics rather than ethics in the design discourse. Manuel Lima, a renowned author and designer, aims to shift this focus with his book, The New Designer. He challenges commonly held myths...
Oct 18, 2023
We have the pleasure of hosting Dr. Christine Gibson, the esteemed author of The Modern Trauma ToolKit on our show! This literary gem isn't solely geared towards individuals who have endured trauma personally. It's an invaluable resource for anyone looking to bolster their resilience, practice mindfulness, and gain...
Oct 04, 2023
Unlocking the wealth of potential that lies dormant in the darker, more painful areas of our minds requires a conscious effort. Without this effort, it is easy to fall into a repetitive pattern that creates a sense of disconnection in one's life. Charryse Johnson is committed to offering an alternative to the...
We are women, living a full life, have a professional career in science or in some form or another have been involved in the industry.